Class Placement
Class placement is on a first come first serve basis. Class emails with additional information will be emailed to families at the end of the registration period. Payment is required online via credit card during registration. If a program has hit maximum enrollment, you may register to join the waitlist. You will receive an email if a spot opens up.
Class Withdrawals, Refunds & Late Registrations
During the registration period you may withdraw your registration request for any reason. To request a withdrawal and/or a refund (if applicable), you must contact Baroody Camps at [email protected]. After the registration period has closed, Baroody Camps cannot guarantee a full refund for any class(es). If your child does not enjoy their program for any reason, a request to cancel may be made to [email protected] NO LATER than 48 hours after the second class date. No refunds or credits will be issued after this deadline. Some programs may require a return of equipment or supplies before a refund can be processed.
All refunds will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis & must be discussed with Baroody Camps directly. The Oakton PTA is NOT responsible for issuing credits/cancellations for any of the classes.
Late registrations may be permitted at the discretion of the Provider and school. There will be no late registrations after the second class of any program. Late registrations will no longer be offered at a prorated rate. Exceptions may apply for extenuating circumstances, please email us at [email protected].
Financial Aid
Limited financial aid opportunities are available for those who qualify. Please indicate your request at the time of registration. Kindly note: if approved and accepted into a class, financial aid will cover the cost for one class per child per session.
If applied and approved for financial aid, and have registered for more than one (1) class, financial aid will be applied to the most expensive class. The remaining classes must be paid before the session begins. If your balance is not paid in full, we reserve the right to remove the child from any unpaid class(es).
Arrivals to Morning Programs
For before school programs, it is imperative that you indicate the arrival arrangements for your child on the registration form. Please be aware that school personnel will not be available at this time to supervise your child.
1.Parent Drop off: Parents/caregivers must sign-in and drop off their children to the class location each morning to meet their instructor.
2.SACC: Students attending SACC before school will be picked up by their program instructor each morning before class.
Dismissals from Programs
Instructors will release students directly to their homerooms for their regular school day.
Snacks and Allergies
Snacks are permitted at the start of programs each day. We REQUIRE that snacks provided are NUT-FREE. Snacks will be monitored and eaten only at the start of programs. Program Providers are also given an allergy list of students participating in their class. If your child has a medical condition and/or allergy, serious or not, please indicate this at the time of registration. Please note: We do not have access to the health office during Enrichment programs.
Standards of Behavior
We want to ensure that all students participating in the enrichment programs not only enjoy the experience but also feel safe and secure. In order for this to happen, it is expected that all students will conform to regular classroom and school rules and regulations while attending a program.
Certain behaviors will not be tolerated, including, but are not limited to: consistent disruption in class; any inappropriate physical contact (i.e. hitting, kicking); blatant disrespect toward the Instructor or other students; a refusal to listen to instructions; the use of inappropriate language; and/or destruction of property.
We will generally use a three (3) warning process though each situation is carefully evaluated. We will do our best to offer support for children to help with their success in our programs and will look to all parents to support our program providers so that all children can enjoy these opportunities.
Please note: any incidents of bullying including, but not limited to: name calling, assault of any kind, verbal and nonverbal threats, throwing objects, cornering other students and/or intimidating behaviors, taunting, discriminatory statements or behavior, or exclusion from activities may result in the first and only warning.
If removal from programs is necessary, the school will be informed of this decision. Baroody Camps will not offer any partial refunds in these situations. Enforcement of this policy is at the discretion of Baroody Camps and their partners.